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Cusco Journeys

Cusco Journeys


Treks & Escorted Tours...


Manu National Park

Manu National ParkWhen our visitors book a tour to Manu National Park, they will appreciate the great biodiversity of this national park in Peru. Its immense natural wealth in terms of flora and fauna, passing through the Peruvian Andes to then reach the fascinating cloud forest and later enter the low jungle and at all times we see how plants and animals have adapted to live in different climates and places. Simply seeing them in their natural habitat fills us with pride to be part of this wonder. In this article we will mention 5 reasons to visit this beautiful Manu National Park.

1.- Different types of Microclimate

Explore the Peruvian JungleThe Manu National Park is a place that has a variety of climates. The first day of the trip you will pass through a high Andean climate with cold and low humidity and then you will arrive at the cloud forest where the climate will begin to change less cold and a little humid where you will be able to enjoy some birds that live in this area and some monkeys and enjoy excellent landscapes and so on arriving at the low jungle where the climate will be more humid and hot, it is important to mention that each animal has its own place to live, that is why this place is amazing and unique.

2.- The Best Place to Observe Animals in the Peruvian Jungle.

Peruvian JungleIt is considered one of the best places to see animals and birds in their natural habitat. It is very rich in biodiversity as it is home to many birds, mammals, insects and endemic plants that have not yet been studied and has a variety of animals.

An excellent place to enjoy the outdoors as once you get there you see how animals and plants have an extraordinary survival relationship. Recommended for photographers, bird watchers and people who want to enjoy nature.

3.- Native Communities

TambopataIn this part of Manu we have native communities, such as: Huacaria, Machigengas, Shipetiari, Pantiacolla, Shintuya, Diamante, and likewise, there are other colonizing communities, people who migrate from the mountains to the jungle for work and economic reasons. These communities have their own language or dialect that even to this day are still preserved, such as the dialects of Machiguenka, Amarakaeri, Yine, Huachipaire and others.

4.- Gastronomy

Manu Jungle TourAs for its gastronomy, the place has its meals based on river fish and some fruits such as banana, papaya, uncucha and the one that should not be missing is yuca, and there is a variety of rocoto (chiles), so I will list some typical foods, patarashca, pacamoto, juane, paichipango, ahomado, tacacho, chapo and the most emblematic drink is masato based on yuca, you can try these delicacies on a tour of Manu.

5.- Customs and Traditions

rainforest peruThe native communities of this part of the Peru Amazon still preserve their customs and traditions such as the construction of their homes, the gathering of food, music, dances and the manufacture of materials such as arrows for artisanal hunting and decorative arrows.

Also in some communities you can see their typical clothing, even like that of the Matchiguenka friends. These communities have an incredible knowledge about medicinal plants and that lasts from generation to generation. We recommend visiting and doing experiential tourism if you want to see their customs up close, as some people are even shy about sharing their customs.

The Manu National Park is a magnificent place to visit for its people and for its nature. Don’t forget to explore this busy place. You only need time and adequate equipment to take a tour to Manu.

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